
Blog Post 13: Chat GPT

First Prompt:Write me an essay on how the construction of highways through the city of Hartford, Connecticut (Interstate 84 and Interstate 91) have negatively impacted the city. The history of […]


Blog Post 10: Thesis Statement

I’ve often wondered why Hartford, Connecticut appears deteriorated, despite its history of being a wealthy and influential city. By looking at the history of the highways built through Hartford, public […]


Blog post 5: Metadata spreadsheet

https://myccsu-my.sharepoint.com/:x:/g/personal/bgriswold_my_ccsu_edu/EZeiNZGAGgBNsZcYyNFRqMoBQNzgV-MR0UEESDu5ILb8gw?e=dshmM4 A challenge for me when making this spreadsheet was choosing a subject, specifically for The Freeway Revolt. The event that was memorialized seems to be somewhat obscure, so there […]