Blog post 8: Reflection on my OHMS index

I created my OHMS index from the first episode of a 6 episode podcast about how Hartford, CT has become a shell of its former self following the construction of Interstate 84, titled “The Road That Killed A City.” I discovered the series during another gallery assignment from an interview about the podcast, and used the first episode on Soundcloud for this assignment.

The podcast seemed naturally divided into chapters, with opening and closing thoughts from the creator, and interviews with different people about their experiences moving to Hartford. It was very straightforward indexing the podcast when the creator broke it up into chapters naturally.

I used very general keywords in each of my indexing chapters. I used the general topic of the section as keywords, sort of as an addition to the section’s synopsis. For example, one section was an interview with a white person who moved to a Latino neighborhood in Hartford, so I used the keywords “race” and “neighborhood” for that section.

My sense of my project still feels very general. I have an idea of where it’s heading, and what I might use in the final paper, though how it all will be organized and implemented is still subject to change. The resources from this past assignment has helped me narrow my idea for my argument and what I may discuss, but it is still uncertain.

I am not sure what more I would include on my site were my time and resources unlimited. I think I would include old photos and new photos of Hartford, showcasing how the city was changed (demolished) to make room for the Interstate.

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